Sunday, November 14, 2010

JOURNAL: How you inspired me to blog again.

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Toward the end of September, I stopped blogging.  It started when I lost my camera.  My husband and I also started a part-time job together which because of the early hours (4:00-6:00am) often leaves us exhausted. 

For a long time, I struggled to find the motivation to blog again.  I usually only receive a few comments a week and I began to believe that no one really cared about my journey or what I'm learning on The Way.

But you changed all of that.

When I decided to start writing again, I was very surprised to see how many people read my posts.

I love to read what you are thinking.  I learn from your ideas and value your suggestions.

You may not always tell me you are listening, but I now know you are there. 

Thank you for inspiring me!

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