I love going to potlucks.
I never just grab some packaged potato salad from the grocery store. Instead, I show-off by creating my tastiest recipes and trying to give them pleasing presentations.
Sampling the best dishes of my friends and family is also a treat. Inevitably, by the end of the meal, I’m stuffed, begging others for their recipes.
In the spirit of a delicious potluck dinner, I’m hosting Friday Vegetarian Potluck. Mix up a batch of your favorite recipe and bring it over for supper. You can bring a main dish, a salad, bread, a dessert, any food you want to share.
We do have a few rules for our meal.
1. Your recipe needs to be vegetarian, but it can also be dairy-free, vegan, or gluten-free. Any recipe made without meat will do.
2. Your blog does not have to be about vegetarian food recipes. If you regularly write about gardening, that’s fine. If you usually post recipes with pork and poultry, you are welcome, too.
3. This doesn’t have to be a new recipe post, but I ask that you bring it to the blog only once.
4. Since potlucks are all about sharing, I ask that you post this invite on your blog post. It fits nicely into your html.
1. Navigate to Blogger Dashboard.
2. Click on your Blog Title.
3. Either click New post button to add content to your new post or jump to Posts tab and click Edit link by hovering on your existing post.
4. Now you will be directed to post editor. Switch to HTML view by clicking HTML button on top toolbar (it is at the top left of your page by the Compose button).
5. Now add code code above to the content text area and proceed with other modifications you prefer. To exit HTML, click on the Compose button.
6. After modifying content, click Preview button to see how your code render in your post.Note: Sometimes your code may not render or function well in preview mode.
7. Now Save or Publish your post.
(Read More: http://www.mayura4ever.com/2012/02/how-to-embed-external-content-on-your.html#ixzz21l99X0Qm)