As I was dealing with personal stuff last week, I decided to make a big change in my life: I decided to go vegan again.
It started like this.
My husband started watching Forks Over Knives on Netflix and I joined him.
I knew about Forks Over Knives for a long time, that it was about a diet free of animal products. I still didn't watch it though. I thought it was going to show me slaughterhouses, chicken confinements, etc. I've seen those videos. I wasn't eating much meat, almost exclusively fish or chicken.
Instead, the video was about how meat and dairy cause cancer and heart disease. I already knew about how animal products contribute to heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity. I thought I was making healthy choices by choosing "lean meats" and eating less dairy.
Growing up in a church that places importance on diet and health, I heard that meat caused cancer. I assumed it was because of the hormones, antibiotics, etc. I didn't realize it was because of the animal protein itself.
Forks Over Knives inspired me to
- trash the little processed food left in my house
- stop eating dairy and preparing food with it
- stop eating eggs
- stop eating chicken and fish (I already stopped buying beef)
- make fruits and veggies 75% of all the food I eat
- order from the organic food co-op in town
I feel great. I've lost 5 lbs. and started going to the gym again.
I will keep you updated!